Project Management Tips

 It’s the foremost law; people tolerate being managed, but love being led. First, consider how often you have heard people complaining to each other about management. One might expect staff...

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  Looking back, the day feels like one long series of interruptions and much of the work planned for day remains uncompleted. Does that apply to you, or to any of your team? Of course, many of the interruption will have been short and well-justified exchanges between you and colleagues...

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  Imagine you are the member of a team and your manager has convened a team meeting. The manager announces new objectives, perhaps with a slick presentation including pictures or graphs or bar charts, followed by handouts or emailed confirmations. At the time...

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  The very word deadline is overdramatic because in business nobody dies when the line is crossed. We all miss deadlines; life goes on, so why worry? Humour the boss, agree to the deadline...

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  If you have only one job to complete you will have no choice but to give that job your undivided attention. When you concentrate all your effort upon one thing at a time, it is easier to be more effective. If you must divide your time between two objectives, you must keep two balls in the air at the time without dropping one as you switch your attention between the two jobs

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When you report to two managers, all the three of you achieve much less. With two managers, your output will almost certainly halve. And eventually the three of you will probably have a spat. When this happens, productivity will take a further dive. Think back to your childhood. When you have two managers, it is like having a mother and father. Mum says, ‘No ice cream today’, so you ask Dad for ice cream. 

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Most, if not all of us, care about what others think of us. It is natural that we should wish for others to like us, including those who work for us. For that reason, many managers feel an inner need to be popular with their team. Almost all people share a common need for approval.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Read More >>>

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